
Have you been placing pumpkins in particular places in your home? If so, then you either noticed that all of your summer decorations need dusting or, more likely, you’re welcoming the changing of the seasons. Yes, it’s that time when we here in Florida rejoice that the 90 degree weather is almost over.


But what is fall really all about? It’s so much more than pumpkin spice lattes (or pumpkin everything). It’s time to cool off outside and warm up the ambiance of our homes inside. We use pumpkins, gourds, and cornucopia to signify an abundant harvest (even if it is an abundant plastic harvest). And we refocus on all we have to be thankful for.

In the midst of all of this fun, let’s think about the word harvest. This is the Harvest Table blog, after all. So, what does harvest mean? It simply is the season of reaping and gathering, or it means to reap or gather. We (mostly) don’t live in an agrarian society anymore and, therefore, don’t notice when crops are ready to be harvested. But the word crop is not limited to agriculture, nor is the word “sow;” so let's stop and think about what we are reaping and think about what we need to be sowing for next year’s crop as well.

Aron’s recent series on Haggai kept these words before us: “Consider your ways.” (Haggai 1:5) So, as we begin to change seasons and look forward to the next one, let’s do what the scripture says and consider our ways. Let’s check to see if our priorities are in order and see if we are sowing in the right places so that in due season we can reap a harvest for the Lord.

Here are some questions from the Haggai series to help you consider your ways:

• Building on the last blog post, what are the relationships that God has for you in this season of life? How can you work together for the Lord in our church?

• What is your calling from God for our church and our community? What excuses might be holding you back from walking in that calling? Remember, God may be calling you to do something that you think is impossible. In the midst of that, he may surprise you by building your faith through those seemingly impossible circumstances.

God loves you more than you can imagine and has a plan all mapped out for your life. Let yourself get excited about what He has ahead for you.

Love and blessings until we meet again,


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