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After Sunday's message on Exodus 16-17, Grace for the Grumbler, one of the repeated questions I heard was related to this idea, "Is it ever okay to complain to God?" The people of Israel were in quite a desperate situation facing hunger and thirst and attack. We all face desperate situations as well where we cry out to God. How should we respond? Where do we cross of the line from crying out to God into grumbling? And how can we even know the difference?

Good morning! Here is a recap of the songs that we sang and through which we worshiped God while gathered this past Sunday. We hope that these, along with the scriptures that go along with them, are an encouragement to you this week.

God gave the people of Israel two acts of remembrance to keep their salvation ever before them. The Feast of Unleavened Bread and the consecration of the first born reminded them that their salvation and redemption were entirely a work of God and of his grace.

From Chris: Good morning, Here is a brief recap of the songs that we used to worship God through as well as some of the scriptures that inform them. I've also included an extended devotional based on the Matt Redman song: 10,000 Reasons. Enjoy the goodness of our Father God as you consider these passages and songs together

As Christians we have to grapple with realities of suffering in the world and why God allows it. In light of Sunday message on Exodus 2, we are posting something Jason Vanlue has written on this important topic on his blog, Faith & Function.