Yesterday's message was aimed at establishing a clear way forward for diaconate ministry at Metro Life Church. Why in the course of a year would we devote three messages to this topic? The quote Aron shared by David Cook captures this well,
"Ministry is a supernatural activity. The church is not merely a human institution, but a divinely infused group of people."
We are all called to be servants of God and one another. Jesus made this clear when he came not to be served, but to serve and to his life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45). But in his wisdom, God has designed that we have recognized servants who bear a weight of responsibility for the church. For the body to be built up in love, we need each part working properly (Ephesians 4:16) and that includes deacons. But as Aron shared yesterday and as the quote above affirms, this is a more than just human activity and serving. We serve as a divinely infused group of people!
With this awareness, let's stir up serving in our midst. To this end, we encourage everyone at Metro Life Church to be serving in some specific way. But in the days ahead we also encourage you to recommend other members for service as deacons and deaconesses.
The handout that was made available on Sunday can be downloaded here.