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Join us Friday, April 10th at 7PM via Facebook Live or YouTube Live for our Good Friday Communion Service


Communion is an act of worship that Christ instituted over 2000 years ago for His church. It’s a visible representation for our own souls of the promises of God, obtained for us by Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.

Some of the sweetest times for small groups/gatherings or families are when they can participate in the Lord’s Supper together. The Bible stresses the importance of unity in Communion, which is why taking Communion with those you do life with on a regular basis can be powerful. On these occasions, believers gathering together can remember Christ’s sacrifice much like the early church.In Acts 2:46, it says, “they broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts.” It is a beautiful way to honor Christ when groups are praying together, studying God’s Word, or enjoying a time of fellowship.

The elements of bread/crackers and wine/juice are symbols of Christ’s broken body and shed blood. Communion is not a means of salvation, rather, it is a testament of a believer’s faith in the atoning work of the cross. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, join us online to remember his GREAT sacrifice.



Purchase Wine or Grape Juice

  • Quantities needed will depend on the size of your gathering.

Purchase Bread or Crackers

  • This can range from pieces of bread to loaves or even crackers.
  • Unleavened bread is the best expression of the "bread" element. Unleavened bread simply is bread baked without a rising agent (most large grocery stores stock unleavened bread), but you can select any bread or cracker of your choice. 

Ready Your Elements

  • Take time to lay out the elements before our online service begins. We’d recommend using nicer cups and plates, as available, to display your elements.  This both helps to be ready when the moment to receive comes and adds reverence to this act of remembrance.

Be Ready at Home to Receive

  • The team leading our online service will direct you through properly receiving communion along with others gathered virtually with us. All you need to do at this point is follow along online individually or as a group.

Communion-GuideInfographicConsider anyone there with you who doesn't yet know Jesus.  You can say something ahead of time to the effect of “Communion is something that Christians do. It’s not really for people who are still making up their minds about Jesus. It’s for people who have staked their whole hope on Him and have said, ‘I’m all in for Jesus.’ If you are still undecided about Jesus, we’re glad you’re here and you’re completely welcome, please simply pass the bread and cup without receiving. It’s not a slight or judgment on you, but something we hold dear.” Make sure they know that it’s not weird or a big deal that they are just there to watch during this short time!

After the service, pray or have multiple people pray and thank God for the enormous reality behind the bread and the cup. Thank God for all the blessings that come from the cross – for example, salvation, reconciliation, a living hope, freedom to love God, eternal life, a promised resurrection, hope of purpose in suffering.