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The latest on 'Life at Metro'

News, Information and Sermon follow up from our Sunday messages as well as stories on our life together!

graceHello Metro Family,

I hope your week is beginning by being warmed by the grace given to you in Jesus Christ! What a thought – God wants me to grow (uh-oh, that sounds like a work)…in grace! God's good intention for me and for you is to go deeper in the experience and knowledge of what we have been given in Jesus. That’s the kind of growing I want to do! Grace; no guilt in life! Grace; all my sins blotted out! Grace; Jesus is not only the Author, but the Perfector of my faith! Grace; a co-heir with Jesus! Grace; mercies new every morning! Grace! Grace! Grace! I leave you with a comment John Piper made on the passage, and I pray you are soaking in grace today!

“Peter’s great desire for these people and for us is that we might experience lots and lots of God’s grace; that we might suck it up through our roots and grow by it; that we might soak it in like sunshine through our leaves and grow by it.”[1]



[1] John Piper, Sermon