Ian Normand shared about an upcoming outreach called The Conversation, where over a period of 7-weeks, we invite folks to share a meal, hear a brief talk from the Bible and interact in a small group discussion. Here's what he shared:
The Conversation is an opportunity for us as a church to collectively invite unbelievers to come here to our church building, share a meal, hear teaching from God’s word and dive into discussion. The Conversation begins Tuesday, October 8th. It will take place over a period of seven weeks and is a great chance for us to show hospitality to people who desperately need the gospel. We hope to build relationships with the people we invite and create an environment in which they can wrestle with God’s word and explore the Christian faith. So this is for a broad range of people from those who are vocal about not being Christians to those who are new believers in Christ.
In thinking about our motivation for this event I think this verse is helpful Mathew 9:37-38. “Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.'” God has called us to sow the seed of the gospel in a lost world. We as Christians are called to this in our daily lives, The Conversation is an extension of this sowing. I believe that the conversation should not just be an event that we hold each year, and something that in the few weeks before, we begin to think about and start engaging the lost in our lives. The Conversation should be a lifestyle; evangelism is what we are to be about all the time; we should be in conversation with the lost every day, speaking into their lives, developing relationships and preaching the gospel to them both vocally and through how we live.
Ian left us with two questions:
- Who can we each invite to The Conversation? We all have people in our lives that need to hear the gospel and be saved. We also know people who are newer believers in need of being grounded in their faith.
- Will you consider volunteering? Hosting a course over 7-weeks with food and childcare takes a lot of work. We need volunteers in the areas of food preparation, child care, prayer team, setup and tear down, discussion group leaders and assistants. If you are interested in serving or need more information, please contact Ian Normand.