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[Put On the New Self]
[3:1] If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. [2] Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. [3] For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. [4] When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. (Colossians 3:1-4 ESV)

We heard from Aron Osborne on this passage this past Sunday and I enjoy the simplicity that Paul presents this material: we died to our old nature and were made alive with a new nature.

Aron referenced a quote from John Piper intended to challenge our thinking:

Do you love the thought that you exist to make God look glorious? Do you love the thought that all creation exists to display the glory of God? Do you love the truth that all of history is designed by God to one day be a completed canvas that displays in the best way possible the greatness and beauty of God?...Do you love the truth that you personally exist to make God look like what he really is – glorious? I ask again: Do you love the fact that your salvation is meant to put the glory of God’s grace on display? Do you love seeing and showing the glory of God? This is why God created the universe. This is why he ordained history. This is why he sent his Son. This is why you exist. Forever to see and savor and show the glory of Christ, who is the image of God…

colossians_sermonRight after this quote he mentioned our web site’s home page and some updates we’ve made to it recently, saying: our vision is that Casselberry and beyond would see a display of the glory of God through us; through how we live, how we love, how we serve, how we give, how we hope, how we pray, how we do all that we do, whether eating or drinking or playing or anything else…that we would be a display of the glory of God that is powerful to draw others to God’s glorious light!

The reason our vision is to pursue and display the glory of God and not some lesser vision is because we want the world around us to know that Jesus Christ is our life!

Ironically, the exact moment Aron was mentioning this, Pat Henderson let me know that our web site was down due to some issues with our host… God’s timing is hilarious, web site gets a shout out during the message but it’s down.

This made me stop and think for a moment: it’s not the web site that’s been called to display God’s glory, as much as we update it, try to make sure materials are up to date and engaging – it’s people who have been called by His name; called to set our minds in things that are above so that we pursue Christ being our life.

So, in light of this, let me ask you today the same questions that Aron asked us Sunday from Sam Storms:

What things below hinder our focus on the things above? What earthly entanglements exert a downward drag on your soul? What worldly attractions have become distractions and keep your mind off Christ? What fleshly affections compete for him? The power to disengage from and triumph over all such rival pleasures will come only as we see and savor him who is above.

Now, go see and savor Him who is above today, there's power to do so that Christ alone can provide!