I’m still thinking about that key word in the passage from Acts 2:42-47...devoted. There really is no replacement for the time and intentionality that it takes to build a community that is devoted to one another. It also seems there is no lack of tasks to be done, errands to run, and responsibilities to complete each day that make a devoted life seem out of our reach. But let’s remember as we study Acts together that the early church had hurdles to overcome too! The life the early church enjoyed can be ours as well! So together, let’s ask the Lord what increasing our devotion to His community would look like right now. How can each of us individually be a part of what makes Metro Life Church a spirit-filled community? As we pray for that very reality, let the following vision compel our devotion:
“The most contagious thing the world has ever seen is a church whose life, message and love reflect the character of Jesus. Such a life is like fire – it spreads quickly and nothing can stand before it.” – Peter Jeffrey
By the way, a member came up immediately after the service to share that they desire to dust off their sign language skills! So Genevieve, thank you for sharing with us your desire in this regard, and how wonderful of the Lord to already be stirring up this gift in our church!
God bless your week and your opportunities to do life…together!