Looking back at 2021
January 27, 2022We would like to take a moment to say a heartfelt ‘Thank you!’ to all of you. Your generosity allows us to extend our mission to Love, Grow and Share as we are seeing lives transformed through the gospel. We’re grateful for each of you as you are doing your part, not only in giving but in serving and participating in the community that makes up Metro Life Church. In the coming year there is much that God has for us. For now, let us reflect in gratitude and look forward as we anticipate all that God will do in us and through us.
We wanted to take a moment and let you know what is happening with the church.
First, more than 200 have been served in our local mission, including 3 Neighbor-to-Neighbor events this year. This means we were able to serve 14 homes and 3 local schools, as we met the direct needs for the good of our neighbors here in Casselberry.
Your generosity goes to the hungry fed, the naked clothed, and employment gained. Together, we have seen lives saved, dignity affirmed and the hope of eternal life shared.
Our church matures through community and grow groups. We know that many visit these groups before they’re able to be with us on a Sunday morning.
We’ve included this infographic below to explain our gatherings on Sundays as well as what happens in our church’s budget.