MLC April Bulletin
April 4, 2021
In addition to these various events and gatherings, we also have our regularly scheduled meetings such as:
• Alive Students
• Metro Young Adults
• Sunday Celebrations
Community Group registration for the Summer Term will also be online soon... click here for our full calendar of events
Men's Breakfast
April 10, 2021
8:00am – 10:00am
Men of Metro, we invite you to our monthly breakfast in the Chapel // Our own Cristian Moscoso will be leading our conversation. Please bring your appetite, a friend, and a hunger for more of God's Presence.
Making Sense of God
Every Sunday starting April 11, 2021 until May 2, 2021
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Do you know anyone who might have questions about Christianity? Someone who might be interested in the idea of Christianity, but can’t get over some of the most common objections to our faith? Our Making Sense of God meetings are a space for those who might have questions about Christianity. The goal of these four meetings is not to communicate a set of points, it’s to open up a conversation. We want non-Christians coming in to feel like their unique questions and challenges with God and Christianity matter, are valid, and are worth addressing and talking about.
Church Picnic
April 18, 2021
11:30am – 3:00pm
Fellowship is a vital part of life in a church family. After all, God created us to desire human interaction, friendship, and community. While the circumstances of the last year have not allowed us to be together as much as we would like, it’s been on our hearts to provide a way to safely gather and regain the sense of closeness we’ve all been craving. With that goal in mind, we will be hosting a church wide picnic on the soccer field, immediately following the service on Sunday April 18th.
We will be featuring entertainment to serve church members of all ages including a 40 ft. obstacle course, an open-air bounce pad, inflatable axe throwing, volleyball, horseshoes, and cornhole. We ask that everyone bring their own food, blankets, chairs and sunscreen. We are eager to gather again, and we have carefully planned this event with safety in mind. Masks will not be required, but we will be regularly sanitizing all of the attractions and ask that members keep physical distancing guidelines in mind during the event. We can’t wait to see you there!
Gather For Women
April 23, 2021
7:30pm – 9:30pm
Calling all ladies 16 and older - Whether you’re young or seasoned, single or married, thriving or weary, there is a place prepared for you at Gather as we come together for a night of worship, testimony and encouragement from the Word. Join us!
Family Meeting
April 29, 2021
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Metro Family, we hope to see you at our regularly scheduled family meeting. These times provide opportunities to hear testimonies, receive ministry updates, and hear what’s coming up in the next few months at MLC, and of course, fellowship together. Make plans now to join us either in-person or online.
Neighbor to Neighbor: Casselberry Churches Serve
May 1, 2021
8:00am – 12:00pm
What do 6 local churches in Casselberry have in common? A whole lot! We have one Savior. One Spirit. One gospel. And we truly are a part of the one Church.
Over the past two years we have joined together to serve dozens of families living in the city of Casselberry who for various reasons were in need of yard work.
But far more than that, we were able to bring the love of Jesus to these families. There was times of prayer and encouragement. One lady called the pastors after one event to tell us that she had grown up hearing that God loved her and the church was supposed to show her that kind of love. She said this was the first time she experienced that kind of love personally.
So naturally, we want to do it again. And just like last year, our heart isn't to just accomplish a large amount of yard work in one day. Our heart is to be the priesthood of Christ to these individuals. We hope to pray, encourage, and share the incredible news of Jesus. And we want you there with us!