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MLC June Bulletin


In addition to these various events and gatherings, we also have our regularly scheduled meetings such as:

  • Alive Students (including summer activities)
  • Sunday Celebrations each week at 10am
  • Community Groups for the Summer Term are also online here...

Please see our full calendar of events here

We also included an 'Update on Your Generosity' in this last Bulletin


Men's Breakfast - Worship as a Lifestyle
June 12, 2021
8:00am – 10:00am

Metro Men, Eddie Needham will be leading the conversation around worship as a lifestyle.  If David had a heart of worship, and he was a man after God's own heart (as well as an awesome poet-warrior), what does that look like in our lives?  Inside and outside the four walls of church?  We'll discuss the multiple facets of a worshipping heart and how to apply this in the battlefields of our souls and bodies.  Bring a friend, an intrepid heart, and win prizes.

GROW: Faith in the Workplace
Every Sunday starting June 13, 2021 until July 18, 2021
8:30am – 9:30am

Through our work God primarily makes us useful to him and to others. He accomplishes his purposes in the world by equipping us with talents, skills, and abilities that he expects us to use in the service to others. In doing so work takes up the biggest block of time in our lives. So how we spend that time and present ourselves is clear indicator of what God is doing in us and for us. Join us as we attempt to answer questions from a biblical perspective such as “Are you where you are called to serve? Do you feel fulfilled? Who do I face challenges in the workplace? We will discuss how work, rest, and rhythms of life find balance. And then finally how can we have an influence in the workplace either through leadership or evangelism. We hope to capture in this class some of the foundational ways of thinking about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and how all this affects the work we were created to do. Please sign-up.

Graduation Sunday
June 13, 2021

During the Sunday Celebration // If you are a graduate of high school, college or a vocational school, join us as we celebrate you // Sign up online
