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This past Saturday we had a men’s breakfast.  We looked together in 2 Peter 1:3-11 at what it means to make every effort.  After the meeting I received an email.  It contained the first notes to a sermon written by a young man.  He was at the breakfast with his dad. I laughed when I received his notes at their child-like simplicity.  But I also was affected by the level of detail and attentiveness to the preached Word that is evidenced in this young man’s notes.  Here they are (used with permission):

“Make every effort...

Take responsibility.

Top ten playoff plays by Larry Bird

Something was on the screen

Fist pump was awkward

Not fluid

Work ethic

2 Peter 1

Produce Christ

God gives power for a godly life (v.3-4)

No superstar Christians

Given us everything for life

I can do all things through Christ

God is faithful

Travel with someone

We must make every effort to live a godly life (v.5-7)

Follow your shot


Possession in Christ

An 'every effort' kind of life leads to fruitfulness, protection and blessing (v.8-11)”

Wow!  A young man, not quite 11 gives his heart attentively to the preached Word.  This is the mark of a man after God’s own heart! 

Now our note taking may look different, and the point isn’t even that we take notes.  Rather, what can we learn from this young man about how we listen to the Word of God?  May his example inspire us, and let’s pray together for this kind of engagement in the hearts of all of our children!