Our God Is Merciful!
August 13, 2012Good Morning Friends,
Did you think about what you woke up to this morning? It starts with an "M". That's right, mercy! I thought I'd give you some "Old English" today to encourage you as you get into your week.
“Why is it that God hath not dealt with us after our sins? Is it not because he hath dealt with another after our sins? Another who took our sins upon him; of whom it is said, that “God chastened him in his fierce wrath”? And why did he chasten him, but for our sins? O gracious God, thou art too just to take revenge twice for the same faults; and therefore, having turned thy fierce wrath upon him, thou wilt not turn it upon us too; but having rewarded him according to our iniquities, thou wilt now reward us according to his merits.” – Sir R. Baker
Let's pray for our students and their parents as they hit the books this week for a new school year. A bus rolled by the window as I type this! Let's pray for God's mercy to guide each step of their school year.
Let's also consider someone to reach out to this week, a call, a text, an email...something. Something that says, "You're on my heart."
The LORD is merciful, friends. May that color your week!