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The latest on 'Life at Metro'

News, Information and Sermon follow up from our Sunday messages as well as stories on our life together!

Promotion Sunday1This coming Sunday, September 7th, is our Promotion Sunday!  With the new school year comes new experiences and new class grades.  

Please note that your school-aged child should move up to his/her current grade in the Truth Quest class rooms.  Our classes are broken down as follows:  Kindergarten/1st, 2nd/3rd, 4th/5th.  Obviously, some children will remain in the same classroom, but will become the "upper-classmen" in their room.  This means they have an opportunity to set an example for the younger kids coming in.

If your child is entering 6th grade - MIDDLE SCHOOL - we would like to invite him/her to our ALIVE meetings that happen twice a month.  You can find more info HERE.  The next ALIVE meeting is Sunday, September 14th immediately after the service.