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Reading Scripture in 2020


Today is the first day of the year, which means starting tomorrow the gyms will be full at least for the next 3 to 4 weeks. Many planners will be eargerly used only to be left in a drawer by the second week of February. Unfortunately, this will also be the case for many Bibles that after around the third week of January will begin collecting dust in shelves or curl up in the backseats of cars. I've been a believer long enough to know that although most believers know they should read the Bible more, and many of them genuinely desire to grow in this discipline, not many actually succeed.

One of the main reasons we neglect the reading of Scripture is that many people don't come up with a strategy or plan on how to read it. Though planning is sometimes perceived as less spiritual, just as having a fitness plan or a coach at the gym helps us stick to our new year resolutions, planning on reading Scripture will help us remain faithful in our daily reading of the Word. 

As you plan on reading Scripture in the upcoming year, it is important to have a place and a time where we will commit to read and study the Bible. Another helpful tip is to find a reading plan that matches your current schedule and stage of life. Below you will find a list of resources that will help you plan well:

Ligonier Bible Reading Plans:

Here you will find a list of different Bible reading plans that vary in levels or commitment or lenghts of time to get through the Bible. Click here

The Bible Project Videos and Reading Plan:

Here you will find a variety of resources to enhance your reading experience. The folks at The Bible Project have dozens of videos to help you grow in understanding of the Scriptures. They also have their own reading plan (which you can download). Click here

You Version Bible Reading App:

We live in a day an age where most adults have a smart phone in the pocket most of the day. The folks at You Version have a Bible app where you can find not only different versions of the Bible, but you can also find a variety of reading plans so you can read on the go. Click Here


Dwell App:

Dwell is one of the apps that I discovered in 2019 and that has been really helpful for me to enhance by Bible reading experience. This is an audio version of the Bible, but the diverse voices and background music bring the Bible to life in a unique way. This is a paid app, but you can get a free trial to see if it's for you. Click Here.