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Wow Metro! I have been inundated with encouragement from so many of you this week. It seems the Lord is kindly drawing our hearts to Him as we begin our series from Genesis 37-50. There is so much drama and dysfunction and heights and depths in Joseph's life; what is it all there for? How is it any more than a history lesson for us? It's more than history because it isn't really about Joseph! It's about God! It's about how God is right in the middle of our stories. It's about how not even the biggest messes we (or blabbing about our dreams) can make will stop the good purposes of God for our lives. Joseph's story gives us a powerful glimpse into God's redemption plan through Jesus. Jesus understood that Joseph pointed to Him! It's an amazing story! Remember this week friends, God is in the details. He is intimately involved in your story! You may or may not be in a storm right now, but we know from experience, watching others, and most of all, the record of Scripture, that God's power meets us in the storms because He is working there! We know that in Joseph's life and we can know it in ours! May God pour out His Spirit on us as we come expectantly throughout this series. Invite someone!
