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Sermon Quotes:

I believe that one reason why the church of God at this present moment has so little influence over the world is because the world has so much influence over the church… Put your finger on any prosperous page in the Church’s history, and [you] will find a little marginal note [that says]: ‘In this age [people] could readily see where the Church began and where the world ended.’” - Charles Spurgeon

“The reality is we live in a day where you cannot tell where the world ends and the church begins. Study after study after study shows that our lifestyles as professing Christians look just like the world around us. We are just as materialistic, just as sexually immoral, and just as self-centered as the world.”- David Platt: Revelation, The Hope of Glory

“note the way prostitution defiles and degrades people. That is what disregarding God does to us. That is what selling ourselves for the world’s “stuff” instead of trusting God and keeping ourselves chaste for him does to us. Believers in Jesus are the bride of Christ.” - Hamilton Jr., James M. (2012-01-31). Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Churches (p. 327). Crossway

Music to worship through song:

Blog Posts:

What is Worldliness?
How to repent: 5 Steps
A Prayer about the Beauty of Repentance
A Prayer for Times of Refreshing through Grace-Generated Repentance


Respectable Sins - Jerry Bridges
What is Repentance? R.C. Sproul