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Truth Quest Study: God Made a Covenant with David

U10S5photoWe continued the big story of the Bible this last week with David recognizing that he was living in a wood-paneled palace while the ark was still in a tent. David wanted to build a temple for God, but God did not want David to build it. Instead, God told David that his son would build the temple, but He made a covenant with David and promised that every future king of Israel would come from David’s family.

God kept His promise by sending His Son, Jesus, to be one of David’s descendants. Jesus is our King who will never die; He will rule over God’s people forever!

Help your kids see that God’s promise to David to provide Jesus can be traced all the way back to God’s promise to Adam and Eve and Abraham in Genesis. Remind them that God had promised from the beginning that He was going to provide a Rescuer to break the power of sin and death and that the Rescuer is Jesus!

Family Talking Points


  • Who is our King? Jesus if our King forever. 
  • God said Jesus would be part of David's family. 



  • Who is our King? Jesus is our King forever, and He rules over the world. 
  • God promised that Jesus would come from David's family. 


Activity Pages

