Truth Quest Study: Gideon

U9S3photoThis week in Truth Quest, we continued examining the judges of the Old Testament with Gideon. Gideon was an unlikely judge. When God called him, he was afraid and was unsure if he could be used by God. God proved to Gideon, and the Israelites, that He is strong enough and that He is the One Israel should depend on.

The Israelites cried out to God because they knew they could not save themselves. Even Gideon was not enough to save them; God used Gideon to save His people, but God fought the battle for them. The people needed someone who was mighty to save. Jesus Christ came to save us from sin because we cannot save ourselves. Only God, through Christ, can save us.

Help your kids see that God uses our weaknesses for His glory!

Family Starting Points 


  • Whom does God use in His plan? God uses people in His plan.
  • God gave Gideon victory over his enemies.


  • How does God accomplish His plan? God uses people for His glory and our good. 
  • God used Gideon's weakness for His glory. 



 Activity Pages

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