Worship as Worthship

Sunday's message from Psalm 150 lifted our eyes to the one who is worthy of praise. When we worship God, both corporately and personally, we ascribe worth and value to God.

“Though we come to an event where He is the guest of honor, it is possible to give Him a routine gift, sing a few customary songs to Him, and then totally neglect Him, while we focus on others...The word worship, comes from the Saxon word weorthscype, which later became worthship. To worship God is to ascribe the proper worth to God, to magnify His worthiness of praise, to approach and address God, as He is worthy. As God, He is the Holy and Almighty God, the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe, the Sovereign Judge to whom we must give an account, He is worthy of all the worth and honor we can give Him, and then, infinitely more.”[1]

May our worship of God never be routine. May it be a whole-hearted ascribing to God the glory, honor and praise that is due his name!

[1] Donald Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, 86-87.