We believe in Jesus Christ…We believe he is the Savior of the world. That is why we gather and worship at this church. Quite frankly, that is why we do what we do. There are many good organizations out there. And many of them are doing a great job serving others and helping others. We are grateful for those organizations. But churches are different. We do all we do because we love Christ. We love Christ because he first loved us. We know his love. We have experienced his love. We have given our lives to him. You may already be a Christian. That is great. We hope that you can continue to experience the love of Jesus at Metro Life Church. Loving and serving him was never meant to be a solo effort. It was meant to be shared with fellow believers.
Maybe you aren’t a Christian…Or maybe you have questions or doubts about being a Christian. Please understand you are welcome here regardless. We want you to experience the love of Christ. It is transforming. It is forgiving. It is life-changing. Perhaps this reason is the greatest reason we are glad you are here. Our hope is that you would experience the love of Jesus at our church. Nothing could be more important.
We want to serve you…Everyone has needs. Everyone has hurts at points in his or her life. Everyone has questions too. We really love serving people and meeting needs. We would really love to serve you. What is your need? Do you have questions about marriage, children, and family? Have you experienced the pain of loss in recent months? Do you feel lonely at times? We want to serve you. You will find that there are people here who count it a great joy to serve others. Many of them may have walked in your shoes. Someone here has had experiences amazingly close to yours.
You may feel like you don’t want to bother us. Hear us clearly. We take great joy in serving others…in serving you. So please, don’t hesitate to tell one of us how we can help you. Please let us know. Don’t think for a moment you are alone. We are with you and for you.
We also know that life has peaks and valleys, and you may not be experiencing those lower moments right now. Instead, perhaps you’ve come to this church to see if it is a place where you can connect and get involved.
This is another reason we are excited to have you here at Metro Life Church.
We are excited for you to make a difference in other’s lives…Yes, we want to serve you at our church, but we want you to make a difference as well. Big adventures for God often begin with small steps. You’ve come to our church for a reason. Consider that God may have sent you here so you can make an impact...an impact beyond any expectations you’ve ever had.
We’d like to show you 4 simple steps you can take here at Metro Life Church that we believe help develop and deploy what God has created you for and called you to. Click here to read about Next Steps >>