Metro Young Adults: Game Nights and Rest

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June 22, 2021

7:00pm – 10:00pm

Category: Metro Young Adults | Coordinator: Shane Kohout

We are inviting all Young Adults to join us for games, snacks, laughter and a Spirit-led conversation on rest. This will be hosted at the Kohout's home.

Bring your favorite board or tabletop game to play and snacks. While you're at it, bring a friend.

Our conversations will focus on different sections of Psalm 23 each month. 

May 25th: Game Night and Snacks (Psalm 23:1-3)

June 22nd: Game Night and Pizza (Psalm 23:4)

July 13th: Game Night and Ice Cream (Psalm 23:5-6)

Email Shane at if you have any questions or need the Kohout's address.