Do not despair, young wife, there will always be something about which you can argue with your husband.
I have been married for over 40 years. Our children are raised and out of the house (again). Sunday mornings are calm and easy – no children’s shoes to tie, nobody to remind to brush their hair. It’s been years since we’ve looked in the backseat of the car to discover that somebody had their shirt on backwards.
What I do remember about those days is the fertile soil for an argument that getting ready for church was. I know the enemy of our souls likes to stir things up on the way to worship. I remember the mistakes and bad assumptions that I would make toward my sweet husband as we tried to get our four children out the door. Sometimes he didn’t even know I was mad at him and I imagine enjoyed the quiet ride to church much better than my argumentativeness. To sum things up – I don’t do stress well and I truly believe that Satan likes to mess with us before we hear the Word.
But now I’m in a different season so it surprised me this past Sunday when Bob had the audacity to tell me he had saved our seats in a different part of the auditorium than we usually sit. And I got upset. Okay, I was angry.
Haven’t I been through enough change lately? How dare he suggest a change in our seating! Plus, since I was talking to someone in the back of the auditorium, I didn’t get this information until worship was beginning. I went to our usual area and Bob told me our seats were a row up at the other end. We had to scoot past friends and excuse ourselves. I told them, “Please excuse me, I’m submitting.” Yes, I can be delightful.
So worship began and I was out of the rhythm. Oh, I sang, but my heart was not in the right place until about two songs in. The silliness of this does not escape me, but I share it with you because I believe it’s the way life is. It’s the way human nature can be. It’s an example of the little foxes of our sinful nature. (Song of Solomon 2:15 – the little foxes that spoil the vineyard.) I let my little fox run rampant before I got him under control. All it took was two little words and that fox lost its power.
I am reminded that I can never let my guard down when it comes to fighting the enemy, and I’m reminded of what a wretched person I can be. (Romans 7:24 – “Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?”)
It’s God’s grace that allows me to overcome my selfish, stubbornness. His mercy is new every morning – even on Sunday mornings when my husband asks me to sit in a new row at church.
Lamentations 3:22-23 – “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
Until next time,
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