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Is time flying by or what? Can you believe our last meeting was in January? It seems to me that the pace of our American lives is just continually picking up speed. Not only is it busy, but also, at least for me, when I get the chance to slow down I almost feel guilty and anxious. It's like I'm proud of my busyness and self-importance. Ouch!

Well, this last ladies’ meeting spoke to this. We covered the chapter, “He Makes Me Lie Down in Green Pastures,” in our book study, A Shepherd’s Look at Psalm 23 by Phillip Keller. Anna Jelstrom shared her thoughts on keeping the Sabbath. She presented it in such a gracious and winsome way! She talked about how purposefully setting that time aside not only honors The Lord and His Word, but it also does so much for our own body and soul’s benefit.

This pointed me back to the fact the God is my provider. No matter how hard I work, I will never find the peace and satisfaction I desire. That will only come as I truly trust in Him. Jesus, help us all to take this to heart and show by our actions that our trust is in You, not ourselves!

After Anna shared, we once again enjoyed the beautiful dancing of Jennifer Lewis and Stephanie Watkins. I love their passion to worship God according to their unique gifting!

We finished the evening with a time of worship and ministry. I love how The Lord ministers to so many different people and situations. Kylene Chin and Meaghan Slack shared words that emphasized our weaknesses and how God not only empathizes with them, but He also uses them for His glory. Our scars are not something to be ashamed of, but they are reminders to us and others of His grace in our lives. Debi Walter shared a picture of many sailboats sitting in the doldrums. When the sails were raised, the boats took off. The word on the sails was Surrender. May His Spirit show what that means for us individually, and may He give us the courage to truly surrender to Him!

One of my favorite parts of the evening, though, was when they called the ladies forward who were 70 or older. We prayed for them and, once again, God is reminding everyone that these ladies’ lives are far from over. God has much more ministry for them, and we younger ladies need to be mining these treasures. My encouragement to everyone is: Don't wait for these precious and gracious women to step out and take charge. We need to be going to them, sitting at their feet, and hearing what God has to say through them!

God bless! And hopefully many more will be in town for our July meeting!

Lesli Slack


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