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A long time ago I heard the story of an old man who was asked what his favorite Bible verse was...His reply was priceless..

"Well", he said with his southern drawl, "my favorite is "IT CAME TO PASS," because if it had come to stay, I couldn't have stood it!"

Each of us have had hard times in our lives that we, too, are glad to say, "Thank God, that's behind me!" Most of the time looking back is unprofitable, especially if it keeps us from moving forward. But occasionally we need to remember the history we have built with an all powerful God.

We need to remember He walked through our darkest days with us and never let go of our hand.

He has kept every promise He has ever made because it is impossible for Him to lie. He has been faithful in every situation and circumstance. He didn't take away the pain that comes to every life, but He taught you how to stand when your enemy was having "a field day" and trying to get you to doubt that God loves you. He taught you by His example in the scriptures how to be an overcomer--how to deal with the "slings and arrows" that assault every life.

He was there with you as you stood by a grave side. He was no stranger to death, and He reminded you that He had overcome death, therefore it didn't have the last word--He did! You thought the grief would never end, yet one day you found yourself smiling. He had walked you through and now you stood on the other side able to move forward.

All loss is hard whether it's a job, a house, a marriage, a friendship, but remember He suffered loss when He walked this earth.

He knows all about hardship because for our sakes He became a man and experience pain, loss, betrayal, and more than you and I will ever have to go through. Notice, the operative word is "through;" He came out on the other side and so will you. His arm is not shortened that He cannot save.

When hard times come...and they will...follow His example. Look for the Father's hand, hold on and keep moving even when you can't see where He's taking you. Hasn't He proved Himself over and over again when you were sure you weren't going to make it?

He not only knows the way, He is the WAY!

"I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have (perfect) confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer (take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted)! For I have overcome the world. (I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.). John 16:33 Amplified Bible

Recommending Reading
"You 'll Get Through This"
Max Lucado

With love from my chair at the Harvest Table,

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