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I find myself surrounded by the word "grace" everywhere I turn. At least it seems that way recently. I read that the definition for "grace" is unmerited favor. I also read that grace is defined as God's Riches At Christ's Expense. We say grace before our meals. Many churches in the area have "Grace" included in their names, e.g. Abundant Grace, Grace Orlando, Orlando Grace. The apostle Paul starts or finishes (or both) all of his epistles with the word "grace". Hymnals are full of songs about "grace", for example--"Amazing Grace", "He Giveth More Grace", "Wonderful Grace Of Jesus". I have friends who are named "Grace". It is used in so many ways, I have begun to question if I really understand this little, one-syllable word.

I know that I have been saved by grace and not by anything I have or haven't done. It is the gift of God purchased by Jesus at Calvary by His very blood and freely offered to me. I recognize that it would be impossible to either purchase or earn this great salvation, but how do I extend "grace" to someone else? I want to be "gracious", yet I find myself at a loss in defining the word, let alone pouring it out on others.

In the middle of my quandary, I happened upon a bookmark in my desk drawer. I don't remember who gave it to me or exactly how it got there, but the Holy Spirit made sure I would find it at exactly the right time as I was pondering "grace".

This is what the little bookmark says:

Grace Giver

Because she receives inexhaustible grace, she can extend grace.

Because she is deeply loved by the Father, she can love others.

Because she is forgiven, she can readily forgive.

Because she hears the Lord speak graciously to her, she can

communicate with grace.

Because her strength and peace are from the Lord, she can impart

a gentle and quiet spirit to those around her.

Because she is humbled by the privilege of being God's child,

she can serve selflessly, delighting in bringing glory to Him alone.

And I think that little bookmark just about covers the subject!

This is my 40th blog seated here at the Harvest Table.

I have enjoyed chatting with you these many weeks and I so appreciate you for letting me pour my heart out in so many varied directions. However, I am sensing that the Holy Spirit would like for you to hear from some of my sisters who also have much to share. In Ecclesiastes we learn that there is a season for all things and this is my season to " scoot over" and let someone else share.

Much love from my side of the table as we listen together for what He will say next....

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Shilrley Corbett

(Image credit:


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