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I have a gift...I can see potential....

The reason I have this gift is because I asked for it. I prayed the Lord would let me see the potential in everything that surrounds me. In my apartment, in the people who live in my building, in my church, in my children, my grandchildren, my great-grandchildren, in my friends, in my husband and especially in myself I know there is untapped potential.

The need for the ability to see potential is because nothing and no one on this earth has reached perfection. Therefore we have two choice:

  1. We can either focus on and be depressed by the fact that all around us are flawed people and places, or...
  2. We can see beyond the flaws and pray, "Lord, show me the potential hidden in this situation, this place, this person, and how You want it developed."

Before any move toward transformation can begin, we have to first believe that it can become all God envisioned it to be.

The scriptures ask, "Is anything too hard for God?" (Gen.18:14). Nothing is impossible for the Almighty if we can eliminate unbelief in ourselves. Therefore, in faith we ask Him to show us His perspective.

The second request we need to ask is, "Show me Your plan for bringing this to it's full potential." Nothing happens haphazardly with our God, and He always has a plan. You aren't required to come up with the plan, you only need to work His Plan.

Thirdly, we need to hear how He wants to use us in His plan. Many times it will take a "team" to bring potential to pass and we would be foolhardy to take this on ourselves alone.

At this point, He begins to examine our requests....

"How committed are you in developing the potential in this person, or this situation, or this place?"
"Are you able to lay down what seems good in your sight in order to work My plan?"
"Are you willing to finish what you start when the realization that this assignment cost more than you budgeted for in time, resources, energy and patience?"
"Are you willing to work as a servant rather than a leader in order that the
potential is achieved with no recognition or glory for yourself?"
"Once you"put your hand to the plow", are you able to steadily press forward with no looking back or complaining?"
"Are you able to let go if I replace you with someone to finish what I used you to start?"

Some of you will answer "yes" to every question, because He has planted in your heart the desire to see all persons and things reach their full potential. You want it so badly, you are willing to lay down your life to see it come to pass. You also realize that as you are able to help bring forth His potential in the earth, He is using the experience to work out the potential He planted in you before the foundation of the earth.

Ask your Lord for the ability to see potential when you are unable to see anything salvageable at all. Let Him show you His perspective and partner with Him in bringing it to pass that He might receive honor, and glory, and praise--and you receive His good pleasure.

Recommended Reading
The Applause of Heaven
Max Lucado

With love from my chair at the Harvest Table,

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Thanks....I think....

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