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As we close out 2014, it's good to focus on what's ahead. Shirley offers us great advice, hope and help from The Harvest Table. Grab a cup of tea or coffee, and let her words steep into your soul. 

Pursuing Personal Purpose

Why was I born?
Why am I living?
What do I get?
What am I giving?

Somewhere deep in our souls, we are aware that God created us with a plan in mind. He chose our gender, our birth date, the color of our eyes, our ethnic makeup, our place of birth, our parents and our siblings. You had no choice in any of this because He had determined that there would never be anyone else just like you. You are and will always be an "original". He has never had any interest in "copies"...or "clones"...He is fascinated with the genuine you and who you are becoming.

Even as you originated in the mind of God, He had specific purposes for giving you life. He, Who could see the end from the beginning, sent each of us forth "pre-programmed" to accomplish His will in this world. We were designed and gifted to achieve His purposes for us.

Paul tells us in Ephesians 2:10 the following;

"For we are God's (own) handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus,(born anew) that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us (taking paths which He prepared ahead of time), that we should walk in them (living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live)." Amplified Bible.

Most of us, at some point in life, had our own dreams for our future. Glamorous, exciting, adventurous dreams that we were sure would ensure our personal happiness for the rest of our lives. After all, these lives belonged to us to pick and choose as we liked, didn't they? But, in many cases, those dreams were empty promises that never came to pass. Those goals that we set for ourselves all turned to ashes, and we began to ask ourselves and our God the hard questions.

"Have I missed my 'calling' in life?"

"Why do I feel "useless"?"

"Surely there is more to life than this!"

"Lord, is it too late to do something of significance for your kingdom?"

"Is it possible to get another chance?"

"Can I start over at this point?"

It has always been God's responsibility to reveal His will to His creatures. Apart from revelation, it is impossible to fathom His heart.

In Isaiah 55:8 we read,

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor My ways, your ways, saith the Lord."

It is our responsibility to obey implicitly the revealed will of God. Yet in mercy, He will repeat Himself as many times as it takes for you to grasp what He is saying. We start by paying attention to the will of God revealed in our Bible. Those things plainly spoken in His written will. From there, ask him, "What does this look like in my life?". Seek His will for the day. He may instruct you to catch up on the laundry, write a letter, make a phone call. He may send someone to your door in need of your help, or in need of your time and council. As you begin to serve others, as you begin to share your life in any way He directs, it will become easier to "know" His will for you, personally.

He says to us, "Despise not the days of small beginnings," and again, "He who is faithful in little, I will make him ruler over much". 

The task isn't the important thing, your obedience is the important thing!

Be aware, "those who DO the will of God, will KNOW the will of God".

Pursuing your "personal purpose" will always require setting your likes and dislikes aside as you seek first His will.

  • At times it will be delightful.
  • At other times, it will be wearisome.
  • At times, you will become discouraged
  • And at other times you will be elated and excited to be a part of what He has entrusted to you.

Remember, emotions come and go and are as fickle as fickle can be.

Therefore, set YOUR WILL to accomplish HIS WILL and in eternity you will hear these words,

"Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Lord." On the day you meet face-to-face "His joy" will fill you with "joy unspeakable"

No words will be necessary for you will "know" Him and at long last your soul will find utter and complete satisfaction beyond all you had hoped or imagined.

With love from my chair at The Harvest Table,


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Recommended Reading:
"Burn."... Melting into the image of Jesus
Eric William Gilmour


thsnks shirley keep up the goooood work. you'er helping me so very much.

Refreshing to see someone mention "Personal Purpose" - everything in Communal these days... Truth is - we don't all have the same purpose or Calling! Besides the fact that we all need Christ.

U write good Shirley !!

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