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Most mornings I start my day by bowing before my Lord and asking Him what His plans are for the day and inquiring what my part is in those plans. Then I review my "to do" list and ask for wisdom and strength to plow through it. I thank Him for all the blessings He lavishes on me and pour out my love for and on Him. I love having Him all to myself in my tiny prayer closet and feeling His wonderful presence surrounding me. It's all about Shirley. However, He has not designed my whole life to be lived in the closet and at some point He says to me,"Come. We have places to go and people to see."

Recently, He has been redefining our walk together. Because His very essence is love, I have been hearing His voice asking,"Who can we love today?"

"Who do You want to love, Lord?"

"Let Me show you how to love every person you come in contact with today. l will teach you how to release all that love that fills your heart. I have loved you well in order that you also can love well."

"Let's start with your husband, that man who wakes beside you every morning. Look at him closely; He's not the athlete you married almost sixty years ago, for his steps are slower now and many days every one of them is painful. Yet, he serves you diligently day in and day out. Look for ways to be the "help-meet" I created you to be. Pay attention to every word that comes out of his mouth--even his corny jokes. Strive to become even more "one" with him in the same way you seek to be "One" with Me. He is My gift to you; treasure him because your days together are numbered."

"As you walk out the door of your apartment, take the time to knock on your neighbor's door. Ask how she is feeling and if she needs anything. As you ride down the elevator, smile and start a conversation with your fellow passengers and admire aloud their appearance. Find something you can compliment and as you walk away bless them and lift them up to Me."

"As you are riding in the car and you stop at a traffic light, look to your right and pray for the people in the car next to you. I know those strangers, and I will direct your prayers. Make mention of them to Me."

"As you sit in your car in a parking lot as Jerry does your shopping, look at all those who pass by and ask Me to meet their deepest needs, to draw them with cords of love to Myself, and I will answer those prayers."

"Throughout the day let your mouth be filled with kindness as you interact with those serving you in their workplaces--the salespeople, cashiers, waiters, etc. Look in their eyes and notice them, find a way to speak a word of encouragement--believe Me, they need it."

"Answer everyone who knocks on your door with a smile and invite them in. Loving people means allowing interruptions and sacrificing your time. Sometimes it is inconvenient, but that's the essence of love. Have you read 1Corinthians 13 lately? Call that person I, the Lord, keep putting on your heart; invite the lonely into your home and let's love on somebody. That's the way to live life to the fullest. I Am Love and Love never fails."

And so the day goes--opportunity after opportunity to love family, friends, neighbors and strangers. But, if my thoughts are always on Shirley, I will miss these opportunities for " love walks" with Him. Love always looks outward, searching for someone to spill love on, to splash it lavishly, indiscriminately on everyone who crosses my path.

I want to live this way...

Who can we love today, Lord?

Recommended Reading:
"Crazy Love"
Francis Chan

With love from my chair at the Harvest Table,

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(Graphic Source: Pinterest)

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