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my utmost for his highest

A new year, an old devotional. This year I have decided to use My Utmost for His Highest as part of my devotional time. I’ve used it before; it’s a favorite. This time, however, I’m using an updated version, which is edited by James Reimann. It has a lovely cover and a place for notes, which I surprisingly am not good at writing down.

This morning I came across something that I wanted to share with you. Today, January 5, 2018, God prompted me to stop and reflect as I read the following: “No matter what changes God has performed in you, never rely on them. Build only on a Person, the Lord Jesus Christ, and on the Spirit He gives.”

Take time with me to reflect on the changes that God through his Holy Spirit has brought about in your life this past year (and years before). Sometimes his work takes years before we realize that there has been change. Sometimes it takes a mere instant. Funny, but our God who never changes is a god of change, but the change is aimed at his children. He is transforming us into his image. He is changing our perspective from me to Thee. He is cleaning up that new creature that we became when we first came to know him. He’s preparing his bride. Oh, thanks be to God!

As I reflected this morning, I realized that I need to clean up my language. You can wipe that shocked look off of your face, I’m not talking about course language. (Thankfully that has not been an area with which I struggle. My dad scared that out of me as a young girl.) I’m talking about my “who I am” language. I realized that sometimes I find myself thinking like or talking like the old me. I am not the unconfident girl that I once was and that is because of God, specifically the work that He is doing in me. Sometimes I become aware that my mind and my mouth aren’t aligning with each other or with what God has done in me. Some of my words are the result of old habits of speech. So here comes some more change and more gratefulness to God for the work he is doing in me. My confidence is in God. He is the one I need to rely on. Of course, I can be as confident as I want to be and that means nothing if I’m acting in my own strength. But, I am a confident woman now because of Him.

I’d love to hear how God is changing you. Feel free to add a comment or contact me to share your story on this blog. Happy New Year in Christ!

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." 2 Cor 5:17



1 Comment

An excellent post to start off a new year of seeking God and allowing Him to change me. Thank you, Bonnie.

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