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Wrapping Up 2015

On the fifth Sunday in November, the Metro Life chapel was once again filled with ladies seeking God and ministering to one another. Emily Jessee and her hard-working support team provided a baked potato and salad bar so that the women could share a meal together in the spirit of Thanksgiving.

Each table group was encouraged to discuss during dinner questions that were placed on the tables. If you missed the meeting, here are the questions for you to consider personally or with a friend or two:

  1. Where is your biggest temptation to GRUMBLE & COMPLAIN? (It’s probably that first thing that came to your mind when you read this question,)
  2. What is your greatest temptation to FEAR?
  3. What one Scripture has God really impressed on your mind and heart this past year?
  4. Is there a particular worship song that God has used in your life this past year when you’ve experienced a time of waiting on Him?
  5. Think about and share things you are grateful for this past year.
  6. What is one area you feel the Lord is challenging you to grow in 2016?
  7. How can we pray for you?

After dinner, several women shared their answers with the group. For example, Rachel Agheyisi said when she is home alone and tempted to be afraid, she sings and dances. She says, “You can’t sing and dance and be afraid at the same time.”

Shannah White said a song that has spoken to her this last year is “Greater” by MercyMe. Meaghan Slack added that she has been encouraged by the very same song, especially the bridge. Consider following the example of these young ladies and take a listen.

The women also worshiped the Lord together in song and dance and prayed for one another.

Emily spent a few moments explaining the direction for Women’s Ministry in 2016. For the entire year, we will focus on what the Good Shepherd has to say to us. To facilitate the journey, we will read the classic book A Shepherd’s Look at Psalm 23 by W. Phillip Keller. Over this past year, at Debi Walter’s retreats in Banner Elk, North Carolina, groups of ladies have had great success working through this book under the direction of the Holy Spirit.

The author’s experiences as a shepherd uniquely equipped him to write his reflections about Psalm 23. A summary of the book can be viewed here

The reading plan for 2016 is one chapter per month, reading that same chapter once per week. We will gather for ministry and to discuss the book four times next year: Jan. 31, May 29, July 31 and Oct. 30. During the January meeting, we will discuss the first chapter, “The Lord is My Shepherd.” Copies of the book and signup are available at the front desk on Sunday mornings.

Supplemental materials will be sent by email and posted on The Harvest Table blog, so make sure to give Emily your email address.


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