A 'Prayer Walk?' - That's a New One!


Prayer walking is a powerful and meaningful way to explore and connect with our community. It involves physically walking through our neighborhood, streets, or other areas and praying for the people, places, and things we encounter along the way. As will be the case this Sunday, January 15th, we’ll walk along a segment of the Casselberry Greenway (formerly Wirz Trail, lower section).

To be clear: There is no command in the Bible for Christians to go on prayer walks. God has clarified that we can pray about anything, anywhere, and anytime. But some people find that being in a certain place helps them pray more effectively and with more focus.

In this blog post, I will explore the benefits of prayer walking and how to get started.

First, let's talk about the benefits of prayer walking. As we walk through our community, we are able to physically see the needs of the people and places that we encounter. This can help us to have a deeper understanding of the struggles and challenges that our neighbors are facing. Additionally, by praying for these needs as we encounter them, we can actively participate in the healing and restoration of our community.

Jeremiah 29:7 - But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.

“This is important instruction for God’s people in all ages as we become the agents of God’s righteousness in all the places to which his providence calls us—agents of gospel transformation in the world in which we live. - ESV Gospel Transformation Bible”

Another benefit of prayer walking is that it can help us to connect with our community in a meaningful way. Walking and praying, we can observe more about the people and places that make up our neighborhood. This can help us pray to build stronger relationships with our neighbors and understand our community's unique strengths and challenges.

Prayer walking can also be a great way to connect with God. As we walk and pray, we can listen to God's voice and hear His guidance and direction for our community. This can be a powerful and meaningful way to connect with God and to grow in our faith.

So, how do we get started with prayer walking?

  • First, it's important to plan your route. Which we’ve laid out along a segment of the Casselberry Greenway (formerly Wirz Trail, lower section). This allows us to pray for the community immediately surrounding our physical building. You can also invite others to join you, which can be a great way to build up the church community and pray together.


  • Next, it's important to prepare your heart and mind for prayer. Before you begin your walk, take some time to quiet your mind and to focus on God. This can be done through meditation, reading scripture, or any other practice that helps you to connect with God.


  • As you walk, take time to pray for the people, places, and things that you encounter. You can pray for the specific needs that you see, or you can simply pray for God's presence and guidance in the community. You can also take time to listen for God's voice and to hear His guidance and direction for your community.

“Prayer walking” is a powerful and meaningful way to explore and connect with our community. It can help us have a deeper understanding of our neighbors' needs, build stronger relationships with our community, and connect with God in a deeper way.

For me personally, prayer is a regular part of my walks with Duncan the wonder-dog. I hope that for those of you who walk or run regularly, this is your practice as well.

As a church, we’re corporately planted in a city that we should not only be actively praying for but are reaching out to and sharing the gospel's good news for their welfare. Join us this Sunday as we pray and walk together. - Chris