How Much Did That Man Give?

20_jesus-noticed-a-poor-womanOf the woman who put two small copper coins in the offering Jesus said, "She put in more than all the others." How is that possible, when there were people who put in far greater monetary amounts? That is what the disciples were wondering, and so Jesus told them. Those who gave "more" gave out of their abundance, but the woman with her two coins, gave all that she had. In other words, it hurt to give it, but it also demonstrated her confidence in the faithfulness of God. I don't know why that man put two dollars in our door, but I do know this; he gave "all" that he had, not out of abundance. Was his stomach churning from hunger as he walked away? Did he need a personal item from Walgreens? Couldn't he have used that two dollars for something? He did. In a simple expression of gratitude, he gave it to the "kingdom" of God. He gave because He wanted too; nobody asked him too. We all arrive this Sunday with a thousand uses for our financial resources. But we also all arrive with an opportunity to give to the "kingdom" of God. What can happen as we give, not out of abundance, but sacrificially?

• A ministry center to provide medical care, pastoral training, children's outreach, and a
  church meeting place in La Paz, Bolivia
• Sponsorship of a Bolivian pastor to be equipped for ministry
• Building a house for a needy family in Honduras
• Local Mission, like our homeless care at the Suburban Lodge
• Crisis Pregnancy Center resources
• Support opportunities where the Lord leads us
• Needed improvements to our facility

It has been two years since we last received a Missions Offering. Please seek the Lord as a family. What would the Lord put on your heart? What if 150 families or members gave $318 on May 18? What if many gave more, because some will be just as sacrificial and generous, but will need to give less. What if proportionally, we gave joyfully and sacrificially? Thank you for praying about your part in advancing the kingdom of God here and beyond!
