Learning to Abound in Love

I don’t know about you, but hearing the account by Dwight L. Moody of what happened in his heart as he devoted himself to studying love really encouraged me to devote myself to the same study.  As we have concluded our series, “Resolve to Love,” I pray that we are just getting started!  I plan to reread Moody’s account each day this week as part of my time in prayer.  I hope it encourages and spurs you on to abound in love as it has me.  May God bless your week, friends.


“I took up that word “Love,” and I do not know how many weeks I spent studying the passages in which it occurs, till at last I could not help loving people!  I had been feeding on love so long that I was anxious to do everybody good I came in contact with.  I got full of it.  It ran out of my fingers.  You take up the subject of love in the Bible!  You will get so full of it that all you have got to do is to open your lips, and a flood of the love of God flows out upon the meeting.  There is no use trying to do church work without love.  A doctor, a lawyer, may do good work without love, but God’s work cannot be done without love.”[1]


[1] Dwight L. Moody, quoted in Love or Die by Alexander Strauch.