Our Father!

Aren't they beautiful words? This is how Jesus encourages us to greet the God of the Universe each and every day! Through the finished work of Jesus on the Cross, we have been brought into a familial relationship with God.

Just like in an earthly family, our Father is eager to talk with us. He wants to listen to us, encourage us, refresh us, and get our eyes on His good intentions for our lives. What if we look at the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:9-15 as an invitation to intimacy with God instead of as another way in which we feel condemned for not praying?

You may feel weak in prayer, like me. Do you need to read a book on prayer, go on a prayer retreat, or some other step? Books are good and time away is refreshing, but what if we just start with this; "Our Father..." I'm going to do that right now!
