The Danger of Being Undiscriminating

We studied Jesus' words on Judging in the Sermon on the Mount. I left Matthew 7:6 for this blog post.

Before getting straight to the verse I want to share with you about some email exchanges with Allura, a dear church member. She was seeking to share the love of Christ with women planning to abort their babies. She shared how one lady in particular was receptive and listening, but sadly, she proceeded to enter the clinic. Her life is overwhelming, and though she confessed that she felt what she was doing was wrong, she was hoping God would forgive her. It broke Allura's heart to see the pain in this woman, but even more that she would believe aborting her baby was her only option. This innocent baby was going to die! But we never know how God will use the merciful, loving words of Allura to help this woman to see how God can radically transform her life through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Even though the outcome was heartbreaking (and we entrust it to God to make it right), it was right and loving of Allura to share with this woman, who was willing to listen.

But it isn't always that way. Sometimes some people are very hardened by sin and their circumstances. Sometimes the last thing they want to hear is about Jesus. They make that very clear by the words they use and the scowl on their face. Allura experienced that too. Some people were not in a place of receptivity and we need the discernment to know those who are receptive and those who are not. Now lets rejoice together that Allura perseveres past the stares and sneers of many of the men and women who walk by her, because these unborn babies still need a voice. They can't speak for themselves. It may not be profitable to go on sharing the Gospel with a person who scoffs at it, but that doesn’t mean we don't go on in seeking to save babies from a horrific death! A mother of an unborn baby may know exactly what she is doing and isn't thinking of the consequences on her body or her unborn baby, but our compassion isn't only for the mother; it is for her baby as well!

This all begs the question. In whatever the context (and Allura's is unique), how do we know when to patiently persevere and keep sharing the Gospel of Jesus with a person, and when does it become unwise? How does Matthew 7:6 speak to this? I thought I would let Don Carson do the talking (see link below), as he provides an excellent exegesis of this verse. Before you read it, can you thank God for Allura, and her heart to see overwhelmed women know that there is a loving Heavenly Father who can provide for their every need and give them hope? There are so many good options for a woman who does not feel she can care for her baby. If you want to learn more or get involved, please seek Allura out!


The Danger of being Undiscriminating by D.A. Carson