Awe of God

God gave the people of Israel two acts of remembrance to keep their salvation ever before them. The Feast of Unleavened Bread and the consecration of the first born reminded them that their salvation and redemption were entirely a work of God and of his grace.

More than just a periodic reminder, these acts were to keep before the people their great salvation. On the other side of the cross, the same is true for us. God desires that we remember and be dominated by our salvation through Jesus Christ. We are to rehearse it everyday. Maybe you've heard the phrase, "Preach the gospel to yourself everyday." It's that important. While we may forget many things, one thing we must never forget: our salvation. It keeps us in awe of God which is right where we were created to be. Paul Tripp writes,

“Awe of God should be the reason I do what I do with my thoughts. It should be the reason I desire what I desire. Awe of God should be the reason I treat my wife the way I do and parent my children in the manner I do. It should shape and motivate my relationship with my extended family and neighbors. Awe of God should be the reason I function the way I do at my job or handle my finances the way I do. It should structure the way I think about physical possession and personal position and power. Awe of God should give direction to the way I live as a citizen of the wider community. It should form the way that I think about myself and my expectations of others. Awe of God should lift me out of my darkest moments of discouragement and be the source of my most exuberant celebrations. Awe of God should make me more self-aware and more mournful of my sin while it makes me more patient with and tender toward the weaknesses of others. It should give me courage I would have no other way and wisdom to know when I am out of my league. Awe of God is meant to rule every domain of my existence.”

May awe of God rise in our hearts as we remember, rehearse, and tell of our great salvation through Jesus Christ. Have a blessed week!