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Posts Tagged with "Exodus"

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Recalling Exodus

We "began" our conclusion of Exodus this past Sunday. We rehearsed 5 characteristics about God we have seen while in our series. Which one or ones ministered most specifically to you? Was it, 1. God is a Promise Keeper Or was it, 2. God's Promises Often Take Us to the "School of Faith" to Forge Our Trust How about, 3. God is Holy Or, 4. God is Compassionate Finally...

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The Glory To Come: The New Heavens and the New Earth

Good Morning, Metro Life Church! I don't know all that the day ahead holds for you and me, but I do know this; since we were together Sunday morning we are two days closer to the return of Jesus Christ! I do know that right now Jesus is preparing a place for us, and in His Father's house are many rooms. If it wasn't so he wouldn't have told us so! How can we get so full o...

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The Glory To Come!

On Sunday we studied John 14:1-6 together. Jesus was about to go to the Cross, and He knew the disciples were troubled. After three years of being with Jesus literally everyday, they were facing a future, that to them, seemed very uncertain. He said to them, "Don't let your hearts be troubled." Why did Jesus say that? Because He knew He was going to prepare a place for the...

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"O Lord, deliver me..."

Hello Metro, Ken Sande's blog post is very helpful and my thoughts are that it would also be to you. Have a blessed day in the Lord! Aron A Common Lust by Ken Sande...

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Farther Up, Farther In!

Good Afternoon Metro, I hope the certain promise of a future banquet with Jesus, in the Father's house, is compelling your living today. To think that from eternity past God had planned it so. I hope the way Spurgeon imagined it, spurs your own imagination. God bless you. Aron God the Father speaks: "I, the Most High Jehovah, do hereby give unto my only begotten and w...

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The Lord's Day: A "Market Day" For The Soul!

So Metro, how did you spend your Sunday? Did you "work?" Did you avoid certain foods? If you did, why did you? Did you find someone under a pile of rubble? Did you get them out? Ok, seriously, Exodus 20:8-11 calls upon God's people to keep the Sabbath, to keep it by remembering it and setting it apart (holy), because God worked for 6 days and rested on the 7th. How should ...

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Learning From Jethro

Jethro was quite a father-in-law. He observed Moses for one day doing a good and sincere work; however it was an unsustainable work. He was essentially caring for all of Israel with little to no help! Exodus 18 shows us a precursor of equipping the saints for works of ministry and on a more basic level, it shows us a picture of discipleship: one person encouraging and hel...

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Is it Ever Okay to Complain to God?

After Sunday's message on Exodus 16-17, Grace for the Grumbler, one of the repeated questions I heard was related to this idea, "Is it ever okay to complain to God?" The people of Israel were in quite a desperate situation facing hunger and thirst and attack. We all face desperate situations as well where we cry out to God. How should we respond? Where do we cross of the l...

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Music and Worship: July 6th, 2014

Good morning! Here is a recap of the songs that we sang and through which we worshiped God while gathered this past Sunday. We hope that these, along with the scriptures that go along with them, are an encouragement to you this week. ...

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Awe of God

God gave the people of Israel two acts of remembrance to keep their salvation ever before them. The Feast of Unleavened Bread and the consecration of the first born reminded them that their salvation and redemption were entirely a work of God and of his grace....

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Music and Worship: June 15th, 2014

From Chris: Good morning, Here is a brief recap of the songs that we used to worship God through as well as some of the scriptures that inform them. I've also included an extended devotional based on the Matt Redman song: 10,000 Reasons. Enjoy the goodness of our Father God as you consider these passages and songs together...

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Learning From The Plagues

Hello Metro, On Sunday we studied Exodus 7-10 together. The plagues are a fascinating, challenging and powerful display of the character of God. The plagues teach us that God is sovereign over all things. The plagues teach us that God is a just God. He didn't arbitrarily inflict punishment on Pharaoh and Egypt. They brought it on themselves. Nor was hardening Pharaoh's ...

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The Arena of Faith

In studying Exodus 4 and 5 I find a lot of similarity between Moses and myself. I don't mean that I relate to his calling or that I have a pretty cool staff that can do some pretty cool things. I mean that I relate to his selective listening, his faintness of heart, and his "why me?" attitude. I don't mind a good fight of faith; it's just that I only want it to go one rou...

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They Gave What They Had, They Gave What They Could Do!

Dear Church, I don't know the final total of our mission offering, but I do know through conversation and my email inbox that the LORD stirred many hearts on Sunday. Specifically, several members have communicated their desire to either get the gifts God has given them in greater service, or they want help discerning the gifts God has given them. A monetary offering is w...

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What is God Like?

As we continue on in our series in the book of Exodus we reached a very well known passage on Sunday. In Exodus 3 God speaks to Moses through a burning bush that was not consumed! That will break up a monotonous day as a shepherd of sheep! Is the burning bush that wasn't consumed supposed to be the part we remember most? I don't think so. The glory of Exodus 3 is not the b...

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The Suffering God

As Christians we have to grapple with realities of suffering in the world and why God allows it. In light of Sunday message on Exodus 2, we are posting something Jason Vanlue has written on this important topic on his blog, Faith & Function....

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Approaching Exodus

1. We approach it biblically; that simply means that to understand Exodus we need to see it in relationship to the rest of the Bible. Right at the outset Exodus looks back to Genesis, because they are connected. When Jesus rose from the grave and walked on the road to Emmaus he explained how Moses and the Prophets pointed to him! So we want to see Exodus in the context of ...

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