Learning From The Plagues


Hello Metro,

On Sunday we studied Exodus 7-10 together. The plagues are a fascinating, challenging and powerful display of the character of God. The plagues teach us that God is sovereign over all things. The plagues teach us that God is a just God. He didn’t arbitrarily inflict punishment on Pharaoh and Egypt. They brought it on themselves. Nor was hardening Pharaoh's heart unjust; Pharaoh was already hardening himself! We bow to the mystery of human responsibility and God's sovereignty, but what is clear is that Pharaoh was not innocent; he was not a man panting for God and desiring to set Israel free but God wouldn’t let him! No! Pharaoh rejected God again and again. And yet, the plagues teach us that God is a saving God. His mercy triumphs over judgment, but yes, he is still the Judge over the entire Universe.

We woke up today because God is merciful. We have air to breathe today because God is gracious and kind. Fruits and vegetables are growing, because God is still a Provider. He is not wishing for anyone to perish, but all to come to saving faith in His Son, Jesus. So, keep praying, and keep sharing the love of God displayed in Jesus with others. Even the most apparently hard of hearts can still be softened by the love of God! God bless your week!


Plague Chart
