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Why Celebrate Advent?


[4] But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, [5] to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. (ESV)Galatians 4:45 People at times wonder why we celebrate Advent, it is sometimes perceived as an old tradition that seems out of place. Though it is true that the season of Adve...

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What is involved in the Celebration?


As we saw on the previous post, Advent is the season leading up to Christmas. This is a period of 4 weeks that has historically been seen as a time of waiting and preparing. Unfortunately, the American church sometimes views the season of Advent as an extension of Christmas day. The advent season is meant to be a season of preparation for the day of celebration which can s...

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What is Advent?


Advent is possibly one of the most mysterious and simultaneously misunderstood traditions in the Christian faith. But what is it, and why do we celebrate it? ...

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Online Communion Guide

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Some of the sweetest times for small groups/gatherings or families are when they can participate in the Lord’s Supper together. The Bible stresses the importance of unity in Communion, which is why taking Communion with those you do life with on a regular basis can be powerful....

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Phase 3 Update


Let us serve one another by keeping these important prayer rhythms and safety practices in place while we look to Christ together to lead us through this season in the life of His Church....

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Metro Young Adults: A Night of Hopeful Lament

Night of Hopeful Lament

A Long Dark Night There have been times in my life where I just couldn't see anyway forward. The circumstances confronting me were so overwhelming, so painful, so dark, that I didn't know where to take my next step. As a matter of fact, I'm not sure I would be able to even get to my feet. The loss of a child. The failing of my body. The fracturing of friendships. It's...

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Together Again

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Love for others will continue to be our overarching priority as we return. To that end, and in keeping with our local government guidelines, we will continue to practice physical distancing in the building. Masks are required as you enter, in the lobby, and while moving within the building. Additionally, we ask that all conversations take place outside of the building. ...

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Alive Summer: Letter to Parents and Teens

Alive Summer 2020

Just when you thought Summer was cancelled, Alive is making a comeback!...

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What is Juneteenth?

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Today, June 19th is a special day in America. Unfortunately, not every American is familiar with what this date represents. "Juneteenth is the oldest celebration of the end of slavery in the United States. It is recognized on June 19th every year. In Texas, where it is a state holiday, slaves learned of the Emancipation Proclamation on June 19, 1865, two and a half years a...

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Caregiver Guilt

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I was inspired by Arden Kohout’s excellent article on Mom Guilt. I remember those days. I didn’t raise my four children during a pandemic, but still there was plenty of guilt, frustration and feelings of failure – some real and some imagined....

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