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We wanted to create a space where we could update you on news from around the church, information on upcoming events, follow up to a recent sermon.

Often you will find thoughts on a Sunday message or event stories from our life together as a church.

Archives for June 2014

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Alive Update: The Word And Us

From Chris: This week we wrapped up our Element’s study on God’s Word. This final sermon was entitled “The Word And Us.” Its purpose was to help our students would understand that as Christ-followers, God’s Word must be at the center of our lives. We were challenged to discover (or re-discover) a joy for encountering God in His Word....

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Awe of God

God gave the people of Israel two acts of remembrance to keep their salvation ever before them. The Feast of Unleavened Bread and the consecration of the first born reminded them that their salvation and redemption were entirely a work of God and of his grace....

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Music and Worship: June 15th, 2014

From Chris: Good morning, Here is a brief recap of the songs that we used to worship God through as well as some of the scriptures that inform them. I've also included an extended devotional based on the Matt Redman song: 10,000 Reasons. Enjoy the goodness of our Father God as you consider these passages and songs together...

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Music and Worship: June 8th, 2014

From Chris: I've been seeking to post the songs that we're singing corporately each week along with the scriptures that we see they are drawn from. I hope this is a helpful resource for you. This week I came across something that I thought was really cool and it goes along with one of our newer songs: 'Grace Alone' - here you'll see the author, Dustin Kensrue, putting th...

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Learning From The Plagues

Hello Metro, On Sunday we studied Exodus 7-10 together. The plagues are a fascinating, challenging and powerful display of the character of God. The plagues teach us that God is sovereign over all things. The plagues teach us that God is a just God. He didn't arbitrarily inflict punishment on Pharaoh and Egypt. They brought it on themselves. Nor was hardening Pharaoh's ...

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Alive Update: An Open Letter to Parents

Malcom Gladwell says “it takes 10,000 hours of practice to achieve mastery in a field.” (crazy when you think about it, that’s 5 years at a 40 hour per week pace). In a given week we’re each only given 168 hours, no matter what you do or who you are, President of the United States or a homeless man on the street. There are many opportunities be...

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Music and Worship: June 1st, 2014

Good morning, Here is a brief recap of the songs that we used to worship God through as well as some of the scriptures that inform them....

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The Arena of Faith

In studying Exodus 4 and 5 I find a lot of similarity between Moses and myself. I don't mean that I relate to his calling or that I have a pretty cool staff that can do some pretty cool things. I mean that I relate to his selective listening, his faintness of heart, and his "why me?" attitude. I don't mind a good fight of faith; it's just that I only want it to go one rou...

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