AliveLogo (1)ALIVE youth ministry is the outworking of our desire to provide opportunities for teens to be an active, integral part of this local church body.

We’ve taken our name from Ephesians 2:4-5.

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—

Our vision is to see all of our youth:

  • Grow in their love for God and ability to apply his word
  • Build close, lasting relationships
  • Reach out as salt and light to their generation and beyond

ALIVE meets weekly, with 7th through 12th grade students gathering each Wednesday evening from 7-8:30 p.m.

Claire Henderson, along with a small crew of dedicated young men and women, lead in teaching, discipleship, and assorted activities designed to apply God’s word, build relationships, provide outreach opportunities, and, of course, supply loads of fun along the way.

Come join us as we discover what it means to awaken to an authentic, God-glorifying walk in Jesus Christ—what it means to be “ALIVE together.”

staff profile image

Claire Henderson

Alive Students Director

staff profile image

Chris Jessee

Pastoral Oversight

For more detailed information, please visit our Alive Blog at the links below.

Our Vision

Parental Involvement 

Stay Connected


@AliveYouth407 is a great way to connect to updates for Alive on Instagram; follow us today!

Please note: any and all ministry to minors must comply with the Metro Life Church Child Protection Policies.