“But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.”
Jeremiah 29:7
The good news of Jesus Christ is near and dear to our hearts. Therefore, it brings us great joy as a church to declare its truth and demonstrate its effects. One without the other is an incomplete picture of the good news of Jesus. As a church family, we are convinced that the greatest way to seek the welfare of Casselberry is to point, with our words and actions, towards the greatest good; Jesus.
We believe that God has called us to share his love with those who live around us while we await his return. We want to see all of Casselberry transformed by the good news of Jesus. To do this in our city we are committed to the following guiding principles.
Seven Principles for Local Mission
Praying for our city
We start, proceed and end here. We have experienced deep joy in our own lives through knowing Jesus. So, we will pray that everyone in our city will be able to experience the same joy. We also know that as we work to bring change and opportunity in people’s lives, only God can give life itself.
Listening to the community
It’s far too easy to create an echo chamber. When we look at a community or group with a need, we can approach them with arrogance that assumes we know all there is to know.
Instead, at Metro Life Church we are committed to listening to the voices within our community. We will ask questions and listen. Only when we have truly listened can we know what others need and how we can partner with them.
Responding to real needs
When we listen, we can discover real needs and not just perceived needs. This is important because as a church we can make a lot of ministries that are not making a real difference. This is why we are committed to finding what real needs exist within our city. We want to find the places where we can make the biggest difference and put as much of our time, money, and talents there.
Working with partnerships
Partnerships are essential to our mission. As we find real needs within our community, before we act, we ask “is there anyone already working to meet this need.”. Instead of trying to create our own version of their programs, we partner with those who show excellence and share our values as followers of Jesus. You can find all of our Community Partners here.
Building new relationships
Because we value partnerships so deeply, we want to be committed to continually building new relationships within our community. The pursuit of this principle has led to close relationships with other local churches, the local government, police department, businesses, and non-profit groups.
We also want to help build relationships by being a bridge between groups. We believe that the more we work together and build relationships, the more effectively we can serve our city.
Seeing the overlooked
It is important to us that we see those who often go overlooked. These are often the most vulnerable people within society. The good news of Jesus is in part that God didn’t overlook us when there was nothing special to see. We are the least interesting people (and honestly, the least deserving) to pay notice to, and yet Jesus saw us and loved us.
Because of this, we will strive to do the same for others. As a church, we want to see and invite into community those who are ignored and/or forgotten.
Remaining for the long haul
Lastly, we know that being committed to the welfare of our city means we must be here for the long haul. Lives are messy and change doesn’t happen fast. We personally know this all too well. As a church, we are set on sticking it out even when the work is hard and there seem to be little results. This doesn’t mean we don’t evaluate what we are doing but it certainly means that we want to be a steady presence for real people. We know the work we are setting out to do will take years and even lifetimes. There is nothing we can think of more worthy of our lives than to declare and demonstrate the good news of Jesus.