Sign Up for Fall Term Community Groups

Bridge 46_dots COLOR finalBridge 46 is for students in 4th thru 6th grade. It meets Sunday mornings after the corporate worship portion of our service. Students will be dismissed by one of the pastors from the stage before the main message begins. At the conclusion of the service, students will be walked back into the sanctuary by their teacher to rejoin their family in the final song, prayer and benediction. 



Bridge 46 is a unique class structured to cultivate the individual gifts, talents and hearts of our preteens as they start to become more independent in their personal relationship with God, while still being connected to the body of Christ and the big picture of a Christian’s life and journey.NewCityCatechism

Bridge 46 uses The New City Catechism for its solid gospel based, real life application approach.

Catechisms were written with at least three purposes.

  • to set forth a comprehensive exposition of the gospel
  • to address the heresies, errors and false beliefs of the culture
  • to form a distinct people that reflects the likeness of Christ