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We made an important decision early on in our local mission. We wanted to listen to our community before acting. As we listened we heard of real needs. Some of those needs were already being met by amazing organizations within our city. Instead of trying to create our own version of their programs, we partnered with those who showed excellence and share our values as followers of Jesus. This doesn't just look like financial support. As a church, we join in many of their yearly initiatives and we organize throughout the year to bless their efforts through food drives, workdays, and other events.

But you don't have to wait for one of those events. We would love for you to get to know some of these incredible partners. And if the Lord is leading you, go to their volunteer pages and get directly involved. We have chosen these ministries because we commend them to you.

Our Community Partners



Christian Help

We have been partnered with this incredible local ministry for years. They provide employment services and resources to the unemployed in Seminole County. This vital resource helps prevent families from falling into poverty and offers real help for those already there. To learn more about our friends at Christian Help visit their page.



The Sharing Center

Founded by a group of churches in 1986, The Sharing Center was created to be a place of hope for the poor and homeless. They focus their efforts toward hunger relief through their food pantry and refuge through the oasis. The oasis is a section of their facility that provides showers, internet access, and laundry cleaning for those who don't have access elsewhere. We would love for you to learn more about this partner by visiting their website.



The Pregnancy Centers

Who will speak up for those who have no voice? The Pregnancy Center exists "to provide women with all of their options to navigate unplanned pregnancy." We are grateful for this community partner who advocates for life. 

Please go and learn more about this ministry by visiting their webpage.



Choices Women's Clinic

This ministry is passionate about going where abortions take place. Because of this, Choices has locations in Orlando and one near UCF. They offer free and quality medical care including sonograms at all their locations. Their heart is to show moms and dads that there is a way forward that doesn’t involve abortion. Metro Life Church has already hosted a baby shower for a mom at Choices Women’s Clinic. We also provide baskets with gifts for moms who choose life. It’s filled with small gifts and an invitation to join us for a new mom-focused community group led by Heather Mellichamp.

Learn more about this incredible partner by visiting their page.


Comission 127

Commission 127

This ministry exists because “kids belong in families”. They work to support foster families while they love and care for children and to strengthen biological families that need help staying together. One way we can participate in supporting their mission is through Care Portal.

Please take a moment to watch this video.

Metro Life Church will have a team of family advocates led by Heather Mellichamp and Rachel Price. This team will respond to requests submitted in the areas immediately around Metro Life Church.

We would love you to learn more about our friends at Commission 127 by visiting their webpage.


Goods and Grace

Their mission is to nourish Bodies & Souls with Dignity and Grace. A partnership between St. Luke's Lutheran Church and Christian Help has led to this low-cost grocery store for ALICE families. ALICE stands for asset limited, income constrained, and employed. As a volunteer-run grocery store, they offer low-cost groceries to families at or 200% over the poverty line. The store is located right here in Casselberry.

We encourage you to check out this partner and even sign up to volunteer in the store using this link