Evangelism Explosion Training

Local Mission Updated image

August 19, 2023

8:30am – 3:30pm

Category: Local Impact | Coordinator: Shane Kohout

Often we want to share our faith but the thought of it feels overwhelming. What if I say it wrong? How do I know where to start?

Evangelism Explosion(EE) will not take all the fear and anxiety out of evangelism. There will always be temptation to be fearful. We see this in Acts 4:23-41 when the church prays together that they "continue to speak your word with all boldness".

Instead, EE is a tool in the toolbox for reaching the lost around us. This one day seminar will give us easy ways to remember 5 simple truths of the gospel, bible verses that speak about those truths, and some real experience in trying to talk about our faith.

Even if you have skepticism around "cold" evangelism, I want to encourage you to participate. I truly believe having these truths and practicing boldness will strengthen us as believers. I think it will contribute to our outreach through other methods.

Join us on Saturday, August 19th from 9am-3pm for this one day seminar. I'm excited to be equipped alongside you and have continuing conversations about what it means to share our faith in our current culture.

I'm also excited to announce that Divine Truth and Church Together will have members joining us!

This event cost $20. You pay $15 upon registration which covers the training materials for the day of the event. We collect the other $5 on the morning of the event to help cover the cost of breakfast and lunch. If the price is prohibitive for you or your family, please don't hesitate to let me know at skohout@metrolife.org.

Register for the event here!

Your brother,
