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Summer in the Psalms 2023

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Summer in the Psalms 2023 banner

Summer in the Psalms 2023

Modern Problems | Ancient Solutions - The cries of the human heart don't change over time. So, the words of the Psalmist are still very clear and useful today. The Psalmist talks about the problems of life in a broken world and the eternal truths about who God is through prayer, praise, lament, and song. People who are dealing with life's problems can think of the Psalms as "the soul's medicine chest." This work is a gift to the soul, as well as a source of praise and prayer.

Sermons from this Series

Aug 27


August 27, 2023

Psalm 150 - Worthy Of Praise

Preacher: Mike Nash Scripture: Psalm 150:1–6, John 4:21–24 Series: Summer in the Psalms 2023

Jul 30


July 30, 2023

Psalm 30 - Thanksgiving In Both Grief and Gladness

Preacher: Chris Jessee Scripture: Psalm 30:1–12, 1 Corinthians 15:51–58 Series: Summer in the Psalms 2023