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Hello Metro,

Welcome to our online devotional for our Philippians series. This devotional is intended to be a simple way for you to go a little deeper in our study, and to remind yourself from week to week what the Holy Spirit is illuminating to you. It would also make for a great conversation over coffee with a friend! Taking a little time just once per week to review what you heard and to read the passage over again will take God’s Word into you more deeply, or as Paul said to the Colossians, to “let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly.” Each devotional also includes the worship song we concluded each sermon with. Click on the link to take a few minutes of private worship. May this devotional be an encouragement to you and your walk with Christ.

Devotional 10: One Thing – Philippians 3:12-16

1. Read the passage slowly.

  • What stands out to you?
  • How can you relate to what Paul is writing to the Philippians?

2. Consider

“Think about this verse in relation to your struggles with sin in the Christian life. Whatever your particular sins, the implication here is that there is a right way to struggle and a wrong way to struggle. The wrong way to struggle might be described like this: “Let me control this. Let me manage this.” And the right way to struggle might be described like this: Push headlong into Jesus, and then keep pushing.” – Matt Chandler, pg. 106

3. Prayer and Praise

  • Take any “wrong” way of “pressing on” to prayer.
  • Suggested Worship Song: "10000 Reasons" (Bless the Lord) by Matt Redman