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"Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving." (Colossians 4:2).

pauls powerful prayer_wide_t_ntThese are words of one who knows that life is a battle.

Prayer is sweet communion with God our Father based on the finished work of Jesus Christ. Jesus has given us access to come boldly to the throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16). And the Holy Spirit intercedes for us in our weakness with groanings to deep for words (Romans 8:26). The way to God is wide open!

And yet, life is a battle. We are called to use the access we have to God to find help in times of need. It would be foolish for us to fight this battle alone when God freely avails himself. And yet that is what we do when we neglect to pray.

So today, what might it look like for us to continue steadfastly in prayer?

  • Consider praying regularly with others: your spouse, a friend, or your home group. This can be on the most fruitful times that we spend with one another.
  • Consider adjustments to your schedule. I find that I need to literally block off time to pray because of how quickly the time passes.
  • Consider praying for the mission of the gospel to go forth. We pray as we feel desparation. Engaging in a mission that is much bigger than us is a sure way to feel desparate.

May God continue to shape us into a house of prayer (Matthew 21:13)!