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In the news lately, we’re hearing a lot about sanctuary cities. The establishment of such cities—for a wide variety of purposes—goes all the way back to the Old Testament. In America today, these are cities who do not fully cooperate with federal efforts to enforce immigration laws. Those who are for sanctuary cities say this policy provides a safe haven for immigrants to access health care and other services. Those opposing say local governments should cooperate with federal authorities.

It’s a hot button issue, for sure, and I’m not taking a stand on it here. However, at our last women’s meeting, I kept thinking how our chapel at Metro Life Church was very much a safe haven.

On the fifth Sundays of the year, Emily Jessee and the many women who help her, work very hard to make our meetings safe places where we can freely seek God and receive ministry from him. These ladies are intentional about every detail.

The theme this past Sunday was “Our True Identity.” A large dirty mirror greeted us in the entry, the smudges reflecting the fact that we don’t always see ourselves as our Heavenly Father sees us. God used all the details of the evening to clarify our vision.

The tables were decorated with small mirrors and those nametags that say, “Hello, I’m _______.” The blanks were filled in with words like Loved, Forgiven, Adopted, and His, sweet reminders of who we really are.

Our growing dance team and two of our musicians led us into worship. God even gifted Allison Myers with a moving original song through which she ministered to us.

Then both Emily Henderson and Emily Jessee graciously opened up and shared their stories with us. Personal testimonies are powerful instruments in God’s hands. They always encourage me as I see how faithful God has been to people I know, despite how hard their journeys have been. The ministry time that followed was rich, as we prayed for one another all around the room.

We too are immigrants in a way. We are not of this world, and we are on our way to our true homes in heaven with our loving Father. How kind of God to provide for us safe places of encouragement and support along the way like Metro Women’s Ministry.

Mark your calendars now for the next meeting: July 30.

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